arvi-fryArvi Fry is an amazing fried dish. Arvi Fry is simple and easy to cook. The best way to prepare this Arvi Fry is to simply stir or deep fry the cut arvi pieces adding salt and chilli powder. Arvi Fry is a very comforting dish especially in winters. In Arvi Fry aroma of the curry leaves makes this dish very inviting and refreshing. Arvi Fry does take a little more oil but then what is life without indulgence once in a way.

Arvi Fry Arvi Have Another Name:

In Arvi Fry arvi is also known as Taro Root. Arvi or taro root is a starchy tuber similar to potato with brown fibrous skin and gravy white flesh.

Arvi is an excellent source Of Energy:

In Arvi Fry arvi is an excellant source of energy, which the body needs to stay active. It also provides fiber which is needed to make the intestines and bowels work properly. Arvi is also a good source of calcium and iron.

Recipe Of Arvi Fry:

Preparation time 20-30 minutes
Serves 5-6 people


Arvi 1 lbs
Curry leaves 1 springs
Chilli powder to taste
Salt to taste

Instruction For Cooking:

1. Boil arvi till they well cooked , drain and cool peel them and cut into thin roundels.

2. Fry in medium hot oil till golden brown and crisp sprinkle fried curry leaves , chilli pdr and salt.

3. Toss and then serve crispy with many foods as accompaniment or just eat it like chips.

Variation In Arvi Fry:

Arvi Fry is already a variable dish or snack but you can also make it more variable by adding some more spices of your own choice, like after frying you can also add black pepper or chaat masala or coriander leaves to make it more tasty according to your taste buds.

Uses Of Arvi Fry:

Arvi Fry is oftenly eaten at homes as a side dish. Arvi Fry can be a great addition to a meal to make it heartier and healtheir and can be served with rice and daal. Arvi Fry can also be served just like chips as a snack.

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